Profiting From a Crypto Rally by Shorting negatively Correlated Equities.
With the potential for a major crypto rally on the horizon, investors should consider how this shift could impact traditional markets. While many will focus on going long on cryptocurrencies, a lesser-discussed strategy is shorting equities that may decline as crypto surges. Here’s how to identify the stocks that could be at risk and how…
Weekly 2 Update
📢 Weekly Portfolio Update: Smart Moves, Strategic Adjustments As we wrap up another exciting week in the StockTrak Challenge, our portfolio has seen strategic shifts focused on risk management, hedging short positions, and stabilizing holdings. Our approach remains measured as we seek to balance growth while ensuring capital preservation. 📌 Key Moves This Week 📊…
Week 1 Report: Getting Our Feet Wet
The first week of the StockTrak challenge has been all about testing strategies, understanding the platform, and managing risk. While we’ve kept a significant portion of our cash uninvested, we’ve made some initial trades to explore different market mechanics. 📌 Team Entries & Updates Julia’s Strategy: Options & Holding for Volatility 🎯 Stock Pick: ULTY…